Monday, March 12, 2012


I've had  lot less showers, but a lot more clothes changes.There is always some crusty baby-food on my left shoulder where Hazel like to nibble my shirt. I'm not good at keeping that little mouth clean.
My girl probably eats more paper than food. I've given up on fishing it out of her mouth.
I'm officially that mom with the snot-nosed kid that all kid-less people despise. I just can't keep up with that mucus machine!
I continue to ignore the fact that Hazel enjoys peeing when her diaper is not on, and I let her have naked time in the mornings.
We have been spending a lot more time at home, and I'm more okay with that than I thought I would be. In fact for the first time in my life I would rather spend the day at home.
I'm settling into this cozy winter routine, just as it's on it's way out.
Accepting that the cleaning will never be finished.
Wondering where the time has gone. Seriously, I just had this baby and she is almost ready to walk.
Soooo ready to get this next tattoo started!
I'm feeling the need to go out for a night on the town with the girls....But I don't really have "girls". Just a few here and there.
Wanting to rearrange things. Paint rooms. Build benches. Reorganize. Remove walls. 
Camping. April. Can't wait!

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