Thursday, March 15, 2012

Becoming a Mother....

Stumbled upon some beautiful writing. You should read it. 
And. that is the moment it all changes. You don't trust anymore. You don't have faith that your body will look after this precious life. Because you have to. You fall desperately in love, and you feel the responsibility like a sharp pain in your side. Not because you don't want it, but because you feel you don't deserve it. And if she falls asleep on a surface that isn't your own body, you will check to see if she is breathing every 10 minutes for the next four months, because not doing that feels unfathomable. And you don't care if it seems unreasonable. You will leap up when she cries in fright, you will spend hours lying sprawled across your bed with your breast in her mouth.......

Read the complete post here

1 comment:

Samantha said...

I LOVE this! it's just so perfectly accurate! although I do admit, I've never understood eating the placenta. it did an amazing job and burying it maybe, but eating it.. to each their own :)