San Francisco was amazing!
The train ride was like 19 hours long, but there were great views along the way, especially when we got to the mountainous parts of California.
The train ride was like 19 hours long, but there were great views along the way, especially when we got to the mountainous parts of California.

When we got to the train station in Emeryville, we originally had planned to take the bus straight from there to Fisherman's Wharf, but our plans had changed and we were staying in Berkeley the first night, Instead of San Fran. We took the bus from the train station the the BART(bay area rapid transit) on the way we Drove Right past Pixar. Who Knew that Pixar was in Emeryville, California? We didn't.
Back to the story. We hop off the BART right next to Berkeley Campus. First things First, a stop by the Delicious Crepes a Go Go

YUM! From there we wandered a little, until we got to our host's house. Her name was Lisa, and she lived in a house with a bunch of other students. Unfortunately Lisa was super busy studying, but her roomies had plenty of time to entertain us. Here we are on the roof of their house.

The next morning Lisa's room mate Mike drove us up into the mountains behind the university where he showed us this great View!

It really looked so much more amazing in real life. We could see all the way to the golden gate bridge!
We hopped back on the BART, and it took us to San Francisco through and Underwater Tunnel!
First we bought a $18 3 day Muni Pass, which was totally worth it! We then shopped a little and spent some time at Fisherman's Wharf, until our next hosts met us around 4. His name was Chris, and he took us to his house. It ended up being a little ways out of town, and a little weird.....LOL. It was in the GHETTO that is for sure, and some of his room mates were very involved in the campaign to Legalize Marijuana. SERIOUSLY. Needles to say they were Potheads. It was definitely and adventure.
That night we headed to a small party, and after that Ellen and I walked over to Castro, where we had Crepes and got some awesome Pictures!

Then back to the funhouse, where we had some even more interesting experiences. You can ask me about those in person if you want. It was definitely a Laugh.
Although our original plan was to stay there both nights, we decided against it. In the morning we packed up and said goodbye.
We headed over to Castro again, for breakfast. we went to Cafe Flor, and I am telling you, they really do have the best Eggs Benedict I have ever had. From there we asked the nice men handing out liberal voting guides where we could get a pedicure. On the way to the salon we walked past a great sidewalk sale where i bought some shoes, and Ellen bought a few books. Here we are just after the mani-pedi on the left, and on the right is a funny poster we found in Castro.

Then we headed over to Haight and Ashbury, where we both did some shopping and picture taking. I bought some GREAT $90 shoes, for $20! YES!

Above: Haight & Ashbury

On the left, I am laughing so hard because while we were shoving onto the crowded train, the man in front of us full on mooned us. it was a complete accident on his part, but man was it funny!
We took some pictures, played at the little beach, and then hopped on the cable car that took us back to Market street, and straight to a BART station.

On the cable car we were suddenly surrounded by a bunch of hilarious Jets fans from New York that were in town for the game against Oakland the following day.
We took the wrong train and had to switch trains twice:)

Our host Chris must have been worried about us, because he met us about three blocks from his house. He introduced himself and led us to his place. It was a cool little green house, and after we walked in Ellen noticed a bunch of PIXAR posters and stuff on his wall. He works there! How Ironic?
Chris was definitely the most hospitable host we had. He took us to Sushi that night for dinner, Taught us everything about home brewing (one of his many hobbies) as well as gave us a lesson on single malt scotch.
Left is a picture of his Hammered Dulcimer, a popular instrument in other cultures, but not generally used in western music. Right is Chris's Kegerator, Which holds 3 kegs of his delicious Home-made Brew.

Chris also gave us a blanket for the train ride home, and took us on an hour long private tour of pixar before he dropped us off at the trans station!
What a guy! I will definitely be returning to visit him in Cali.

Pixar must be an amazing place to work. Below is the cereal collection in their staff kitchen, and Ellen eating breakfast while Chris talks about working at pixar. The models above are in their front entrance.

Pixar had an outdoor swimming pool, soccer field, basketball court, & volleyball pit! It also had 3 bars on site, and guess how everyone gets around? On Razor scooters! The Galleries of the development art were just amazing! There is also a giant movie theatre, where Chris said they have movie night regularly.

What an insane place to work!
We said goodbye to Chris at the train station, and we were on our way home!
Ellen fell asleep under Chris's Blanket immediately.
some hot boys got on the train in Sacramento, and i was going to ask them to sit by us.
Unfortunately we got stuck with an over aged mother who's thong was showing, and her 3 year old was out of control!
needless to say we switched train cars within an hour of the screaming kid's arrival, and boy were we glad!

19 or so hours later, Anthony picked us up at the train station. 4 a.m.!
and a slept through school the next day :)
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