Friday, February 25, 2011

Baby Hazel is on her way!

What we NEED
Cloth Diapers:

any of the below, even if you just get us one! we are pretty serious about not using disposables, and we will need a variety of cloth diapers. If you know nothing about cloth diapers, here is a  list of links to some we would like to try. The one size fits all diapers adjust to babies from 7-35 lbs! Those will last us until potty training, and the best part, we can use them for baby # 2.

cloth diapers are the number one thing we need, but we have registered for some other very needed items @ Giggle

Registrant(s): Kaelee Everett & Michael Everett

Registry #41944: Welcoming baby Hazel

What We Have:
  • Crib
  • Stroller
  • Pack n play
  • G diapers, size small
  • onesies galore
  • Sleepers
  • socks
  • a few little booties
  • 3 dresses
  • a few tiny pants
  • a few hats
  • bottle sanitizer and warmer
  • books
  • baby bedding
  • hooded towels
  • Mobile

What we don't have/ could use more of:
  • Receiving Blankets/swaddlers
  • Burp cloths
  • bibs
  • Disney movies
  • hats
  • tiny pants, especially if they are striped :)
  • booties
  • pacifiers
  • baby hygiene/first aid kit
  • baby washcloths
  • baby bath/skin products (California Baby, Burt's Bees baby products, Weleda, Aveeno)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

baby's booty

Why our baby girl's booty is going to be the cutest, and most eco-friendly booty there is:

We will not be contributing to this:

 Disposable diapers are full of toxic waste, not meant to be handled in landfills, yet they are the third most common item in landfills around the world. It takes between 200-500 years for diapers to biodegrade, even if they are the biodegradable kind! I will handle my own child's waste, the right way, instead of sending it out for the rest of the world to deal with in a plastic bag. Poo belongs in the toilet, and that is where I will be putting it. Did you know that even if you use disposables, you are supposed to empty the poo into the toilet, so that less toxic waste reaches landfills?

Plus who can argue that cloth diapers aren't in fact a thousand times better looking than disposables?
not too mention statistics show kids who cloth diaper potty-train earlier.
and NO cloth diapering does not mean diaper rash. Leaving your child in any soiled diaper too long is what creates diaper rash.

How hard can it be? (keep in mind that I don't do the laundry until I run out of underwear)
It will be hard, but I feel like this is part of the responsibility of becoming a parent.
Responsibly disposing of their waste.
That is what I intend to do.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I posted a while ago that I was totally freaked out by birth. Since then I've been doing quite a bit of reading, and I've decided that Birth is nothing to be afraid of. In fact i'm feeling pretty excited and confident about it all. I've learned a lot about the whole process, and have decided that not only the epidural, but pretty much any medication is off the table, including an IV.  They are not even an option unless there are certain special circumstances. I have my reasons for this, and they are good ones. If you want to know what I've been reading, or why I've made these decisions you're welcome to ask me, but i'm not here to preach.

I'm also not here to hear why they are bad decisions, or why your experience with an epidural was wonderful. I especially don't want to hear the terrible story of the birth of your children and how it all went wrong, or how long and grueling and painful it was, so don't tell me.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Today we cancelled our Direct Tv.
I asked mike about it this week, I felt like we were wasting too much of our time together watching pointless television shows that we don't even enjoy. I was so surprised when he agreed. I was even more surprised that he was that quick to cancel it.
Here's to spending more quality time doing quality things together.

The most ridiculously adoreable baby clothes

Found Here
and Here