Saturday, October 27, 2012

little glimpses

We've been frequenting the library. We are a spectacle, always too loud and too rowdy. I find myself chasing hazel through the aisles replacing the books she pulls off of the shelves, trying my best to keep her quiet. She knows just where the Curious George videos are. When we are ready to go, Hazel insists on handing the librarian my card, and then one by one, each of the books and videos. They all think she is very sweet.

It has been chilly in recent days, but we have spent the last month or two going to every single park around. Some days two. I have been watching some boys for my friend, and when I have them I have to get out. It isnot easy to entertain three kids of varying ages in my home that is well equipped only for Hazel, and so to the park we go. Hazel's Toms shoes finally fit her. I have been waiting for months! Oh, and H is on the big-kid swings now. Well, only when there aren't baby swings available. Honestly she has taken some pretty gnarly tumbles off of those big-kid swings, and I m hesitant to continue using them, but she can't resist them, and it's not worth arguing with this kid. At 18 months, she knows exactly how to get her way. every. single. time. My hands are full. So is my heart. I guess that's what matters.

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