Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Up here in the Mountains

Working on finding myself
Still not quite sure who I am, you know?
Who I will turn out to be
What I will accomplish
Will I ever learn to finish the things I start?
Will I ever choose one path, and stay on it?
I sure do change my mind a lot
I need to go to school, that's for sure
I need to just be me.
not what everyone else wants me to be
but who I want to be
so maybe I will get those dreadlocks someday
and maybe I will go get those tattoos I want
and I'm definitely getting my nose pierced FOR GOOD this time
no boss is gonna tell me I gotta take it out this time
and I'm not gonna be so shy anymore
and maybe that way I'll find friends up here
and I'm gonna put all those things I wanna do on the calendar
I'm not missing any more concerts or craft fairs or arts festivals
Really, I'm gonna go and poach those expensive red butte and deer valley concerts
with Hazel in the babybjorn
cuz I'm not missing good music just because tickets are a little out of my realm right now
And you know what else?
I'm gonna figure out how I like to dress.
You'd think at almost twenty-three a girl would know how to dress herself
Not me. Can't figure it out
and really really really I'm gonna learn to sew
and bake bread. Yeah, Bake Bread
and Pie.

But first I gotta feed Hazel.....

1 comment:

Samantha said...

i swear I feel like you reached inside my brain and threw the contents on this post :)